When planning your trip assemble a check list of the necessary items to bring with you.
Here are some of the essentials. Also be sure to pack light, especially if you will be moving to multiple locales.
- Passport
-Money belt
- Plane/Rail tickets
- Backpack/Suitcase*
- Toiletries *
~Shaving supplies
~Hair care supplies
-Contact lenses/Eyeglasses (if needed)
-Maps/Guides (try to have a pocket guide to save on space)
-One week supply of clothes*
~3 to 4 pairs of jeans or pants
~5 to 7 pairs of underwear and socks
~ Pair of pants and a shirt to sleep with
~Sweat shirt or heavy jacket depending on season
~Space bags will help maximize what you can bring.
They can be ordered Here.
-Digital Camera and memory card.
-Mp3 Player. (Trust me there will be times you will need one.)
-Notepad and pens.
These are the basic items that you must have on your trip. Adjust the list according to personal preference.
*If you will be flying a budget airline to other cities in Europe they have strict baggage limitations. I bought a small small to medium sized backpack for a two week trip to Spain and Italy. Here is the link to Ryan Air's carry on limitations. Most budget airlines have similar restrictions. I will dedicate an article to the type of bag to bring soon.
*You may chose not to pack your toiletries to save on space for your plane trip. You can always buy them at your destination. However, you may be too tired to hunt down supplies when you first arrive.
* A weeks supply of clothes should last you for quite a while, be warned that at least in Europe, laundry mats I have found are expensive. 3 euros for wash and another 4 Euros to dry. This comes out to be about 10 dollars to do your laundry.
You may want to save some space for shopping. You will find a lot of clothes and souvenirs to buy during your trip. If you are flying to multiple cities try to hold off on splurging until you are in your final city so you wont have to worry about the carry on restrictions. I ended up buying another bag to store all of my souvenirs.
That concludes the check list. Please send me comments if you would like me to expand upon any topics.
Thanks for the tips. I'm flying to Java on Monday so the reminder is quite timely. :) Oh, and if I may add: disposable undies. I always have those when I travel cuz I don't like having dirty undies in my luggage. :))