Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Train of Thought- A Quick Guide to Rail Travel

Traveling by rail is one of the most convenient ways to get around Europe. Europe has an advanced high-speed rail system that connects major destinations throughout multiple countries. The best way to take advantage of this system is to purchase a Eurail pass. Depending on the package you choose the pass offers up to twenty one countries for three months. Chances are you won't be visiting 21 countries in that period of time, so there are customized plans available depending on what countries you intend to visit. Visit to see what itineraries and timetables are available. Here are some important tips to consider when traveling by rail.

When traveling long distance by rail consider using the night train. You may want to see the European country-side by train, but the fact is that much of the ride will be hindered by ditches, tunnels, and sound barricades. Taking the night train will also allow you to catch up on some rest before arriving at your next destination.

Brief Glimpses of Tuscan countryside.    

An efficient way to plan your itinerary is to set destinations four hours apart. For example; on my first trip to Europe I planned my rail trips from Paris to Frankfurt, Frankfurt to Hamburg, Hamburg to Copenhagen, Copenhagen to Oslo, Oslo to Bergen. Not all of these routes were four hours but they were planned in a way that I would not waste too much time sitting on a train. Also I did not get burned out from traveling long distances continuously. These photos were taken from the two hour train trip from Florence to Rome.
 Most inter-city and high-speed trains require a reservation to be made before boarding. Go to the ticket counter to do this. The reservation fee is ten Euro. 

Be aware of promotions from the Rail Europe website. There are certain passes available at discount at certain times of the year. I was lucky enough to find my Rail Italy pass for 20% off. Youths, couples and seniors can also receive discounts on their passes.

DO NOT FORGET to fill out your rail pass date. I made this mistake once traveling from Rome to Venice. There was no tolerance from the rail official and I was fined fifty Euro. That ruined my plans to hit up Venice, and had to spend the rest of my time in Florence.

Have fun. Take advantage of the benefits from your rail pass. Many places will offer discounts to rail pass holders. Be sure to research more in depth before your journey. There are many day-trips that can be made by rail depending where you are staying. A lot of commuter trains won't require a reservation to board. Have any questions or advice? Leave a comment, and I will be sure to reply. 


  1. Hi Tom!

    Do you use It is a great site to plan any train journey.

    Happy Travels

  2. Hi Andrea! No I haven't heard of that site, but I will check it out thank you.
